Celebrate Community of Hope’s Graduating Students
This will be the second year in a row that students won’t be able to have the true experience of an in-person promotion or graduation. To help Community of Hope housing clients celebrate finishing kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school, we are asking volunteers to create cards for these students. Volunteers will make cards, send them to COH, and then the cards will be mailed to families living in the Permanent Supportive Housing program.

Instructions: You will be responsible for making at least 4 cards (folded cards should be no larger than 8″x5″).
Please make at least one card for each of the following levels:
– promotion from K to 1st grade
– promotion from 5th grade to middle school
– promotion from 8th grade to high school
– high school graduation
We encourage you to be creative, colorful, and positive with your artwork and messages. Consider including artwork and themes such as DC, education, graduation, and celebration. Feel free to decorate the cards with stickers but not glitter! 🙂 Please try to keep the cards as gender-neutral as possible. Please avoid themes related to housing, shelter, or homelessness.
We have included some sample messages here. Feel free to include your own words and thoughts!
Congratulations on finishing Kindergarten! Way to go! First grade will be an exciting year!
You finished 5th grade and Elementary School, now on to Middle School! Way to go!
Congratulations! You’re on your way to High School! The future is yours!
Congratulations on graduating from High School! We are so proud of you for reaching this incredible milestone, especially in this challenging year! Wishing you many more moments of celebration and joy.