The Physical Therapy Licensing Board is
DC Department of Health – Board of Physical Therapy
The Board of Physical Therapy regulates the practice of physical therapy in DC. The Board issues licenses, receives and reviews complaints, requests investigations, conducts hearings, issues subpoenas, and examines witnesses and administers oaths, and issues an annual report.
Term of License
All licenses expire at 12:00 (midnight) of January 31st of each odd-numbered year.
Online License Renewal is Open
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 4:30 pm
Board Meetings: Monthly on the second Wednesday.
To qualify for the renewal of a license, an applicant shall have completed forty (40) hours of approved continuing education during the two (2) years’ period preceding the date the license expires, which shall include:
- No more than twenty (20) hours of approved continuing education credits earned through internet courses
- Ten percent (10%) of the total required continuing education shall be in the subjects determined by the Director as public health priorities of the District, which shall be duly published every five (5) years or as deemed appropriate;
- Two (2) hours of LGBTQ continuing education
Application Packages
Additional Information
- NPTE Score Transfer
- NPTE/NPTAE Examination Registration
- Jurisprudence Examination Registration
- Criminal Background Check