APTADC Member Meeting

November 14, 2020 12:15-1:15 pm

    1. Call to Order
    2. Rules of Order
    3. Approval of Minutes
    4. Approval of Agenda
    5. Reports
      A. President
      B. Treasurer
      C. Education
      D. Government
      E. Payment 
      F. Chief Delegate
      G. HEART/Community Relations
    6. New Business
      A. DC Centennial Celebration
      B. Centennial Scholars Application
      B. Federal Affairs
      C. Election Results
      D. Open Positions
    7. Announcements
    8. Adjourn

The APTADC Fall Member Meeting will take place via Zoom

Click here to access the meeting

You will be asked to enter your name and email to confirm a quorum for our member meeting.

Questions about any  reports or updates?
Please contact the Chapter

Advocacy  and Action Alerts

A bill introduced in the House would offset proposed cuts to Medicare. Contact your lawmakers to urge support.
  1. Help #FightTheCut: Your Advocacy During the Coming Weeks Is CrucialAPTA works with Congress on a bill that would offset the damage of a 9% payment cut.
  2. The 2021 Fee Schedule Rule Is Due in Late November: What Can We Expect?Historic grassroots efforts from APTA and its members are opening a path forward if the final fee schedule rule includes cuts to Medicare payment.
  3. Prepare for the Information Blocking RuleA new information blocking rule that could have a major impact on physical therapy practices and other health care providers is still happening, but the startup date has changed: The agency in charge of the rule now says that compliance must begin on April 5, 2021. The previous startup date was Nov. 2 this year.