November 14, 2020 12:15-1:15 pm
- Call to Order
- Rules of Order
- Approval of Minutes
- Approval of Agenda
- Reports
A. President
B. Treasurer
C. Education
D. Government
E. Payment
F. Chief Delegate
G. HEART/Community Relations - New Business
A. DC Centennial Celebration
B. Centennial Scholars Application
B. Federal Affairs
C. Election Results
D. Open Positions - Announcements
- Adjourn
The APTADC Fall Member Meeting will take place via Zoom
Click here to access the meeting
You will be asked to enter your name and email to confirm a quorum for our member meeting.
Questions about any reports or updates?
Please contact the Chapter
Advocacy and Action Alerts
A bill introduced in the House would offset proposed cuts to Medicare. Contact your lawmakers to urge support.- Help #FightTheCut: Your Advocacy During the Coming Weeks Is CrucialAPTA works with Congress on a bill that would offset the damage of a 9% payment cut.
- The 2021 Fee Schedule Rule Is Due in Late November: What Can We Expect?Historic grassroots efforts from APTA and its members are opening a path forward if the final fee schedule rule includes cuts to Medicare payment.
- Prepare for the Information Blocking RuleA new information blocking rule that could have a major impact on physical therapy practices and other health care providers is still happening, but the startup date has changed: The agency in charge of the rule now says that compliance must begin on April 5, 2021. The previous startup date was Nov. 2 this year.